Monday, August 14, 2006

Turkish Delight

Cadbury's started making Turkish Delight again after the salmonella scare. i was prepared to take my chances, and i'm over the moon that its back.

Joke Competition No. 1:

What do Sharks like for Breakfast?

Come on friends, dont let me down!


Mick said...

I don't know about breakfast but I know what they like for tea- Teens on Coast!

steve said...


Mimey said...

Shredded sailor. The high fibre option. Me hearties.

Mimey said...

Do they use a fin of milk? Fin looks a bit like pint.

American sharks eat hammerhead and eggs. Not for the ecological veggie shark.

Great white-a-bix.



steve said...

jvs, do you know what a pun is?

what about KILLogg's MAN flakes!

or a FULL ENGLISHMAN Breakfast!

steve said...

courtesy of Gareth Van Brookes:

where does a shark go on his holidays? maJAWca.

why was the shark yellow? cos he had JAWndice.

which late nineteenth century art movement included many shark artists FIN de sciele (sic)

Mimey said...

well if you already had the answers...