Tuesday, September 12, 2006

on the way to work

herewith is some people i see on my way to work. i walk and it takes about half an hour

Young Goth Girl with pink ruck sack

Russian looking girl with penis nose- why do eastern europeans dress like whigfield?

Plain Girl no. 1- nothing to write home about

Guy who gives me evils- he has a tattoo and everything

Twat who cycles on pavement with his shit bike and white socks- I HATE HIM! who cycles on the pavement other than under 12's? I HATE HIM!

Blonde girl with alien face- although she is quite attractive

Big Issue seller (no thanks mate)

Woman with hypnotically large round arse- it wobbles, oh yes it wobbles

Bloke who looks like a troll- although he carries no club

(Ug) Leigh who works at TK Maxx

Guy who looks like an attractive woman from a distance (long hair)

Girl who looks like a witch

Plain Girl no.2 (and plain girl no.2 's boyfriend)- although i dont see her much anymore, i hope it's not ended in tears.

Fish Face -a singularly ugly woman with head like a pear and face like a monkfish. She is so ugly, and whatever she wears, even on dress-down friday, she always has her big disgusting belly out. Not that i am against a bit of ladyfat, but she is a beast.

Old pink fleece woman- she usually gives me evils as well

Big breasted sisters

Stocky guys numbers one and two

Three men and a haircut (three nobheads, one of whom has a jazzy hairstyle)

Tramps in park- one has diy tattoos on his face- (what kind of job will get looking like that?)

Smackhead woman

who do YOU see on your way to work?


Mimey said...

I have issues with many of the people I see every day, because I see them every day, they get on the same bus (there are a lot of buses on my routes) even when I'm late/early. It's spooky.

I wish chav in tracksuit who works hard but doesn't stand up properly would stand up properly. He started getting both my buses recently. But at least he's not a smoker.

Mick said...

A man sat next to me yesterday who smelled like he wipes his arse with his hair. He was eating a hot savoury pie and doing that horrible nose-breathing thing that old people do when they eat.