Saturday, January 13, 2007

Silent Movies

Last night me and the good lady went to Bristol's Colston Hall to see some classic silent movies with live musical accompaniment, you know the Paul Merton thing on the telly. It was excellent- there was a Harold Lloyd one, one where Laurel has to pretend to be Hardy's wife to impress his rich uncle, and the climax was Steamboat Bill Jnr, with Buster Keaton. its the famous one where the side of the house falls on him and he's in the window frame. Amazing stuff, still very funny and the special effects in steamboat bill are still better than the consistently ropey CGI we're treated to nowadays. its nice to see that sort of thing, very dfferent from your usual entertainment.

on the comic side of things, my next freebie/cheapo comic is going to be called "Lost Banal Pig" or something like that- the stuff i've done for other anthologies that hasnt been in the Banal Pig Comics proper, as well as profiles of the dodgy characters that have never made the comic, like ignorant horse and doctor octopus that i have briefly mentioned before.

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